Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Go Math!

As we have been working though our new Math series, it is interesting to see how what is taught and when it is taught is completely different than our old books.  By the beginning of this December, we had already finished teaching three multiplication chapters in this book.  Usually we are just beginning multiplication  right now.  I thought you might be interested in the layout of the chapters.  This will give you a heads up with what to expect. 
Chapter -
1: Addition and Subtraction Within 1,000
2. Represent and Interpret Data
3. Understand Multiplication
4. Multiplication Facts and Strategies
5. Use Multiplication Facts
6. Understand Division
7. Division Facts and Strategies
8. Fractions
9. Compare Fractions
10. Time, Length, Liquid Volume, and Mass
11.  Perimeter and Area
12. Two Dimensional Shapes
This should take us through the end of the year.  Then there are several "Getting Ready for Grade 4 Lessons."  This series definitely gets more in depth.  It really wants the students to understand the process and strategies in solving a problem.  Does your child talk about Math?  What do they like or dislike about it?  Is there anything that you notice about math?  Just some questions to ponder...feel free to leave comments below.  I am curious to hear what you think.
Here is the direct link to get students to the Go Math! online resources.  They were given user names and passwords at the beginning of the year.  If they forgot, just have them ask!

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