Thursday, September 22, 2011


Subtraction - with can cause a headache - for kids, parents, and teachers!  I have had a few questions about this so I thought I would address them here.  It does seem that subtraction is much less automatic for students than addition, which can cause struggles when we get to larger numbers and the small facts aren't memorized.  I would like to see these more automatic and using flashcards with students can be very helpful.  I also added a Math Trainer site to the Check These Out! section of the blog.  Here, kids can practice facts (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division).  I encourage you to check this out!  Subtraction strategies that can be used for those smaller numbers are: number line, using related facts, counting down, etc.  I will send home a paper about using touchpoints on numbers to count back.  Some students may find this helpful!   Please be assured, we really just started subtraction with regrouping, although, students were introduced to it last year.  We will continue to work on this next week, and I will pull kids into small groups to work with them.  It will continue to be reviewed throughout the year!  WE WILL GET IT!!  Thanks for your continued support at home!!

On another note, WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THE BLOG?  What information would you like to see here?  What do you like?  Is there something you do not like?  Feel free to leave a comment and let me know!!  To leave a comment, simply click on the comment link below....type your comment and list as anonymous unless you have a blogger account.  Then click preview, then publish!  You can leave your name, if you want, in your post.  I really do want your feedback!

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