Monday, March 12, 2012

Our Eyes are on You!

Here is our most recent art project!  Some of the students said that they look creepy hanging in the eyes are always watching!!  Students worked with charcoal pencils to draw and shade.

Just a reminder....the Book Fair is here this week.  It will be opened all day duirng school hours and on Tuesday during conferences. 

Happy Shopping! 
Have a good week...enjoy the nice weather!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

PFS Trivia Night!

(Parents for Students)
 Trivia Night 2012

Saturday, April 14th
Doors Open @ 6:30 p.m.
Trivia Starts at 7:00 p.m.

Arnie's Happy Spot

Cost: $150 / team of 10 players

Has anyone ever participated in TRIVIA NIGHT!  It is a lot of fun!  My team has never done particularly well, but we have certainly had fun!  There are raffles and drawings available to help raise money to support students at PES.  Parents for Students is a wonderful parent organization that funds school field trip transportation, and raises money for other educational materials and equipment to enhance your child's education.  Trivia Night forms are available at the school.  I hope to see you all there!

If you are unable to participate in Trivia Night, but would like to be a part of this organization, they do have monthly meetings that you can attend.  I will keep you posted on the dates!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

We are ROCKING the ISATs!

Well, we are on Day 3 of our ISAT testing!  Yeah!  After today we only have one test to do and then we are ready to celebrate!  Our darlings are working hard and their brains are definitely getting a workout!  I am proud of students for taking their time and trying their best!  I know these tests can be draining and a little intimidating (you should see the size of their test booklet) but these test are important to our school.  State funding can often be tied to test scores and students work hard all year...I want them to show what they know!  In their academic career students will be asked to take several tests that will impact their future...ACTs, SATs, college placement exams.  It is important to always try their best! 

Students loved reading notes from you yesterday morning before the test!  It was funny because many could not figure out how you got them here!!  Here is a photo of the message that Mrs. Reutzel left for each student this morning!

Have a great day!