Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Spelling Lists

Here are the spelling lists for the next 2 weeks.  Our tests will be on December 9th.

Word Nerds
part, care, bare, hair, stair, pear, start, shark, fare, fair, wear, stare, hare, pair, bear, sharp, square, where

Flaming Skeletons
screen, strong, stripe, spring, scram, straight, spray, scrape, strange, sprout, scratch, stretch, spread, scrap, strap, sprain, scream, string

Pink Panthers
when, dead, trees, each, great, sled, head, street, reach, bread, queen, breath, sweet, dream, death, steam, beach, east

Spelling Maniacs
benches, brushes, foxes, guesses, horses, speeches, splashes, mixes, kisses, voices, crashes, classes, changes, churches, places, peaches, leashes, watches

Motorcycle Monsters
frighten, sidewalk, beside, combine, ninety, highway, delight, higher, brightly, surprise, driveway, decide, invite, slightly, advice, describe, lightning, polite

Spectacular Spellers
phrase, alphabet, enough, daughter, physics, dolphin, cough, naughty, phantom, elephant, taught, phone, nephew, rough, caught, laughter, trophy, paragraph

Also, just a reminder...Book-It logs are due tomorrow!  I will send slips home with students at the end of the day!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Geometry Art

 We just finished our first Chapter on Geometry!  Our next chapter in our Math book will be about congruent figures, similar figures, symmetry, transformations, and visual thinking!  There are soooo many art projects I have found to reinforce these geometrical concepts.  Here is a look at one we did last week about the use of symmtry (and positive and negative space).  I hope to have more projects up as we complete them!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Happy Veterans' Day!

Happy Veterans' Day!

I am certain that when I was in third grade I did not understand the meaning of Veterans' Day, except we had the day off from school!  Today, I am much more aware of the importance of this day and honoring those who have fought for our freedoms and the freedoms of others around the world.  I have seen family members leave for war, watched husbands, wives, and children miss their loved ones!  I certainly appreciate not only those who fight, but those who are left behind when they are fighting. 

Although thank you is not enough..."Thank you for all that you have done to keep us safe!"

Happy Veterans' Day!

Our assembly will be held in the gym at 2:00.

And Happy 11-11-11!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

In case you are checking in...

Well, it was my intention to get our Veterans' Day art posted, but we are still working on it!  I really hope it will be up tomorrow! 

You are invited to


to honor all those who serve(d)!

Friday, November 11th

2:00 p.m.

Prophetstown Elementary School Gym

Monday, November 7, 2011

Coming Up...

*Check back tomorrow!  I hope to post some Art for Veterans' Day! 

*I have decided that spelling lists will last two weeks so students will have a test every other week.  I hope this will allow more Writing/Language Arts time and give students time to understand the spelling words and sorts, not only memorize the words.  Thanks for your patience as I try to figure out how our new spelling will work best in our classroom.  The spelling lists will go home tomorrow!

Have a great night!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

November is Here!

Happy November!! 
It has started out with a goregous day...windy, but I am loving the sun!  Just wanted to let you know about a couple of things going on in our class!

*There are no spelling words this week! 

*Book-It starts again this month.  Today I sent home a log sheet for November.  The goal for the month is 300 minutes.  Please use the log to record reading minutes each night.  Keep it in a safe place where students will remember...maybe on the fridge.  Log sheets are due on November 29th or 30th.  I will pass out Book-It Certificates on November 30th.

*There will be a Science Test on Friday over Chapter Two.  I am giving students plenty of time to study!

*We will be starting our Pilgrim Simulation at the end of the week.  This will be a month long study where we simulate the pilgrims' journey to the New World. 

Have a great night!!